Rabu, 13 Februari 2019

Chocolate Box Brownies

Happy Valentines Day.  I know that to many people it is just a huge money grab, and really, if you love someone you can celebrate that love for them any day of the year in large and small ways.  It is nice however, or at least I think it is  . . .  to do something out of the ordinary for your loved ones on this special day!! 

When I was a child it was always marked by exchanging special cards with all of the children in my class at school . . .  at least while I was in Primary school. It wouldn't have gone over well in Middle or High School! (To say the least!)

In Primary school however, great care was taken in the run up to Valentines day picking and cutting out Valentines, gluing them together, gluing the envelopes and then deciding who you wanted to give what Valentine to. 

Oh, you could always get the already cut out fancy boxes of cards . . .  they cost a bit more . . .  but, in all truth, I really enjoyed the whole exercise of cutting them out and putting them together.  I've always been crafty in that way. 

There used to be a contest at school for whoever had made the prettiest/most unusual box to collect your Valentines in.  One year my mother helped me make my box using an old chocolate box.  It was all decorated with white crepe paper and looked like a cake.  On the top were little hearts standing upright on toothpicks, with little sayings on them  . . .  like a field of valentine flowers. 

I won the prize that year (rightly or wrongly) and I have never forgotten how pretty the box was.  It is one of my happy mom memories in the annals of my heart. 

These brownies are so special and yet so simple to make.  You can use a boxed Brownie mix (I used Ghirardelli. You get it as Costco.) or you can use your favourite brownie recipe.  I have an excellent recipe here for Fudge Walnut Brownies.

They are excellent brownies (both the boxed mix and the from scratch ones.)  You can't go wrong with either one.

Just bake them in a paper lined muffin tin.  I used Valentine wrappers, but really paper wrappers never look great after you bake in them.  Most of the pictures/patterns on them just kind of disappears into blah, blah, blah . . .  so plain brown paper cups will work just fine, and might even look better. 

Bake them to the degree that you enjoy your Brownies, as fudgy or as cakey as you like.  The longer you bake them the cakier they will be.

Once they are baked, take them out of the tin and let them cool on a wire rack. 

While they are cooling you make a really simple chocolate ganache topping. 

Its as simple as chopping chocolate and then pouring hot cream over it.  Let is sit, and then stir to melt the chocolate.  Once it is all amalgamated together you spoon it over the top of the brownies. 

After that you just need to pop one of your favourite chocolates on top, and let it all set up. 

Its as simple as that.  Easy peasy an look at how cute they are! 

I can't think of anyone who wouldn't enjoy one of these delicious little cakes! 

Well, Todd maybe . . .  because he doesn't like chocolate cakes of any kind . . .  but I know a neighbour of mine who is really going to enjoy these!  She's had a bit of a rough go lately and I reckon these will really cheer her up! 

Yield: 12

Chocolate Box Brownies

prep time: 5 minscook time: 40 minstotal time: 45 mins
Something cute to share with those you love on Valentines Day. You can either use your favourite Brownie Recipe or a mix.  They are a very simple bake and really cute!


  • 1 box of Brownie Mix (I used  Ghirardelli)
  • (Or your favourite Brownie recipe)
  •  For the Ganache:
  • 115g of bittersweet chocolate, chopped (4 ounces)
  • 150ml double cream (2/3 cup)
  • You will also need a box of assorted chocolates


  1. Preheat the oven to the temperature recommended on your box of brownie mix, or according to your recipe for Brownies.  Line a 12 cup muffin tin with paper liners.  Following the directions on the box or in the recipe, make the brownie batter and then spoon it into the lined muffin cups, dividing it equally.  Bake for about 25 - 30 minutes, or until the tops are glossy and a toothpick inserted in the centre comes out a little wet (if you want fudgy brownies) or clean (If you want drier brownies.)
  2. Remove the paper cups  from the pan and set aside to cool on a wire rack.
  3. To make the ganache, put the chopped chocolate into a  heat proof bowl. Measure the cream into a small saucepan.  Bring the cream just to the boiling point.  Pour over the chopped chocolate and let it sit for a few minutes.  Whisk together to melt the chocolate and make a smooth mixture.  Spoon the ganache over top of the brownies.  Top each one with a chocolate.  Leave to set completely.
  4. Store in an airtight container.
  5. Note - Alternately you can melt some white chocolate and drizzle over top in  decorative manner.
Created using The Recipes Generator

No matter what you do, or how you celebrate it, I hope that you have a really lovely Sweethearts Day! Bon Appetit! 

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