Senin, 27 Agustus 2018

Turkey Burgers with Cranberries & Goat's Cheese

When it comes to burgers we are more fond of turkey burgers in this house than we are of beef burgers.  I am not sure why that is.  I think we just prefer the taste of turkey more and I know (Speaking for myself) I prefer the texture of ground turkey to beef.  Turkey is also one of those things that you can really adapt well with other flavours such as the additions I have made here today.

Today's recipe is one which I adapted from one I found in the cookery book "The 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet Recipe Book." The original sounded really delicious.

The original recipe called for chopped dried apricots and Haloumi cheese.  I had neither one of those in my larder, so I decided to go with dried cranberries and goat's cheese which I do have. 

Because I had changed out the fruit and cheese in the recipe, I decided to use different herbs also. In the original they had used coriander flakes (cilantro) and red chillies.

I didn't think either one would go well with cranberries or goat's cheese and so I chose to use sage, parsley and thyme, with fabulous results! I use an adjustable measuring spoon that works really well for this. You can adjust it according to the amount you need. No need for a variety of spoons!

Make sure you really chop your cranberries and spring onions very finely. The burgers will hold together better if you do. Zirconia Ceramic Knives do the job perfectly.  Good knives are your best friend in the kitchen. I always hated it when I went to my mom's and had to use her knives.  They were old, dull and alot of the handles were broken and taped together. (My mom's was never a keen cook.) After the first couple of times, I used to bring my own knives with me.

Cranberries and goat's cheese go very well with each other and with turkey!  These burgers are really moist and delicious!

Lately we have forgone the buns when it comes to burgers. They mostly fall apart when you are eating them and we end up eating them with a knife and a fork anyways, so its just easier to eat them plain.  At least for us it is, and as a Diabetic, it is the  healthier option for me!

These were served simply with a red slaw, which is a recipe I also got from the book.  Red cabbage, shredded carrot and apple are simply mixed together with a simple slaw dressing. 

2 TBS of mayo along with 1 TBS each of olive oil and cider vinegar do the trick. There is a bit of sweetness from the apple, and plenty of colour and crunch. One apple, one carrot and half a small cabbage, shredded finely.  This 5 in 1 vegetable shredder makes really short work of that!  Plus it has a handy bowl which you can mix the salad together in for serving and storing. I love kitchen gadgets like this which are not only attractive, but also useful and work well.

I did cook Todd some potatoes to enjoy with his.  I really love potatoes, but in trying to keep my carbs under control, more often than not I have to forgo them.

These tasty burgers made for a lovely light supper that we both enjoyed very much!!! 

Healthier options for me, whilst still satisfying my skinny husband who can eat whatever he wants. We both felt like winners! 

Yield: 6

Turkey Burgers with Cranberries & Goat's Cheese

These moist and delicious burgers are also fabulous made as meatballs.  Just shape them into smaller balls and roast in a hot oven (220*C/400*F/ gas mark 7) for 15 to 20 minutes until golden brown and cooked through.


500g minced lean turkey (generous pound)
4 spring onions, finely chopped
4 TBS dried cranberries, finely chopped
100g soft goat's cheese, crumbled (1/2 cup)
1 medium free range egg, beaten
1/4 tsp dried sage
1/2 tsp each dried thyme and parsley
salt and black pepper to taste
1 TBS olive oil for frying


Mash all of the ingredients, with the exception of the oil,
together in a bowl, mixing well together.  Shape into 6 flat patties and place onto a plate.  Set
in the refrigerator for about half an hour or so to firm up.

 the olive oil in a large skillet.  Add the turkey patties and fry on
both sides until they are golden brown and cooked through.  Serve hot
with a salad on the side.
Created using The Recipes Generator

I really, really loved these tasty burgers.  Simple to make and delicious, they went down a real treat. It was all I could do to keep my appetite in check and eat only one. Never mind, I filled up on salad.  Bon Appetit! 

PS - I hope you like my new printable recipes format.  My friend Jan clued me in to the fact that Google documents were changing and not for the better so I made the change to Recipe Generator. Its  not free, but what the hey, I think it looks better!

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