This recipe today is for a recipe I saw via video on my daughter's facebook page. Most of the time what you cook doesn't end up looking like the video at all, but happy to say that this time it worked really well. Not only that it was really simple to do and very delicious!
The recipe involves the use of a bundt cake tin, some aluminum foil, a good roasting chicken (I use cornfed free range) a lemon, some herbs, fresh veg and salt and black pepper . . . oh and some olive oil. You just toss the veg with some herbs and olive oil and pop the into the bottom of the cake tin (after covering the hole with some foil) and then the chicken, well seasoned and stuffed with garlic and lemon gets placed on top, with the post of the bundt pan acting as a trivet of sorts.
It works really well! All the juices from the chicken's neck and heiny pouring down from the chicken on top of those roasting vegetables and flavouring them, rendering them rich and succulent and basting the chicken at the same time . . .
I was a bit worried it might fall over in the oven . . . but thankfully it didn't. (I put my cake tin on a baking sheet just in case.) It looks a bit odd and unorthodox, but it works perfectly well. I would tell you if you are using a chicken from over here, do remove and discard that last joint from the drumsticks before roasting and any trussing.
Beautifully crisped skin and perfectly cooked, moist & well flavoured chicken . . . I like it!
The vegetables were beautifully cooked as well . . . with a bit of stickiness from the chicken juices, and there was plenty juice from the chicken to spoon over the meat when I went to serve it.
And it cooks in a lot less time. I think having that metal post shoved up inside helps it to cook a bit faster which keeps it nice and moist! You get lovely crisp skin if you are into that sort of thing. I haven't eaten chicken skin in years.
And beautifully glazed and perfectly cooked veg. You can't ask for much more than that. Only one pan to wash (the cake tin). I did use a few more for presentation and serving, but they are a doddle to clean. Nothing stuck on there!
*Cake Pan Chicken*
Serves 4For the vegetables:
2 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed2 cloves of garlic, peeled, left whole, but bruised
1 unwaxed lemon cut in half crossways through the centreMy chicken loving husband really enjoyed this, and I have pleny of leftovers to make another meal or sandwiches, and a carcass to make soup with. Ahhh . . . such tastiness and thrift. I love it! what a great way to start the new year! Bon Appetit and Happy New Year!
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