Kamis, 23 Mei 2019

Perfect Scones with Clementine & Cinnamon Butter

There are few things on earth as enjoyable as a nice hot cup of tea and something sweet to enjoy along with it.  Because of my religion I only drink herbal blends. We don't do regular tea or coffee.

There are some really lovely herbal blends available today  . . .  more than there have ever been.  You can buy it loose leafed, or in bags . . .  if I am doing a bag, I like the bio-degradable pyramid bags . . .

Perfect Scones with Clementine & Cinnamon Butter

But really the best thing for the environment really is loose tea if you can get it. There is nothing to dispose of when you are done, except for the spent tea, and that can go on the compost.  From the earth and back to the earth. That's the best way.

Scones are something I really enjoy with a nice hot cup of tea . . .  they are not hard to make and you can spread them with all sorts . . .  butter, clotted cream, jam, etc.  Hot tea . . .  something sweet.  You cannot beat the combination.

People tend to lump North American Biscuits together with Scones, but they are really not the same thing at all.  North American baking powder biscuits generally use all vegetable fat, and sometimes cream . . . scones usually use all butter, and sometimes butter and cream.  The two things are not the same thing at all, no matter how similar they might look.  Scones are sweeter as well, which makes them perfect for enjoying with a hot cuppa.

Scones are not all that difficult to make really.  You just need to remember a few basic rules to ensure scone perfection.  The first thing you will want to do is to sift your flour baking powder and salt into a bowl  I find that aerating the flour in this way makes for a lighter scone, and sifting it together with the baking powder and salt ensures that all are mixed together evenly.  I do this from about 6 to 8 inches above the bowl, which really helps the air to get in there.  I also always use self raising flour. You can buy it ready made or make your own. (I give instructions on how to that on the main page.)

Make sure your butter is really cold and cut it into cubes quickly.  I just measure it and then using a sharp knife cube it right into the bowl.  Remember you want it to stay as cold as possible. Once you have the butter in the bowl take  your thumb and first two fingers on each hand and rub the butter into the flour using a snapping motion.  When you are done it will look like fine bread crumbs. Its actually okay to have a few larger bits as they will help with the rise also, creating little pockets of air as the butter melts.  It is then that you can take a round bladed knife and stir in the sugar  . . .  and then the milk/buttermilk and any other bits you are adding.  Today these scones are just plain.

Perfect Scones with Clementine & Cinnamon Butter

You should have a soft and tacky dough that holds well together. It shouldn't be overly dry.  If it is you should add a bit more milk or buttermilk. Tip onto a well floured board, knead gently a few times to really bring it together.  DO NOTE - don't overhandle the dough as this will toughen your scones.

Pat the dough gently out to a 1 inch thickeness and then using a sharp round cutter, and a straight up and down tapping motion cut out your scones.  This ensures an even rise, without any lop-sides.  I also try to get as many scones as I can from the first cutting.  You can of course bring the scraps back together and cut out more, but do be aware that every subsequent cutting will result in a tougher scone.  I do have an excellent pictorial tutorial here.

Today I created a lovely flavoured butter to go with our warm scones.  I did cut the scones out rather small this time, so as to get more., and I brushed the tops with a bit of buttermilk before baking.

Perfect Scones with Clementine & Cinnamon Butter

Yield: 6 - 10 (depending on the size you cut the scones)
These are anything but plain. They have a lovely light texture and a delicious buttery flavour. I'd call these the perfect scone!


For the Scones:
  • 230g self raising flour (I like to use organic flour) (Scant 2 cups)
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 65g lightly salted butter, quite cold and cut into small bits (1/4 cup)
  • 2 1/4 TBS soft light brown sugar
  • 120ml buttermilk (1/2 cup)
  • 4 TBS whole milk
  • extra flour for dusting, or more milk for brushing on the tops
For the Clementine & Cinnamon Butter:
  • 200g unsalted butter (7 ounces/scant cup)
  • the finely grated zest of one clementine
  • 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 5 TBS soft light brown sugar


How to cook Perfect Scones with Clementine & Cinnamon Butter

  1. Preheat the oven to 220*C/425*F/Gas mark 7. Measure out the flour and then tip it into a bowl along with the salt. Drop in the bits of butter. Rub it into the flour using the tips of your fingertips. You want a fairly reasonably fine crumb. Lift it up into the air as you rub so that you get lots of air into the mixture. Add the sugar and stir it in.
  2. Measure the buttermilk in a small beaker and then add the milk. Mix well to slacken it. Make a well in the middle of the flour mixture and tip in most of the buttermilk mixture, holding some back just in case it's not needed.
  3. Gently work it all together with a fork or a round bladed knife, until it forms a soft dough. Add as much of the remaining milk as you think you will need, working in any loose dry bits of the mixture. Try hard not to overwork the dough as this will toughen your scone.
  4. Tip it all out onto a lightly floured surface and gently knead 3 or 4 times until smooth. Pat the dough gently out to a 1 inch thickness. Dip a round fluted cutter into some flour and cut the scones out by giving the cutter a sharp tap directly down onto the dough with the palm of your hand. Don't twist the cutter as you lift it or you will end up with lopsided scones.
  5. Place onto a baking sheet and repeat with the remaining dough, cutting out more scones. Gather the trimmings, pat down lightly and cut more until you have used it all up. Sift over a light dusting of more flour, or brush lightly with milk, just on the tops. Don't let it run down the sides.
  6. Bake in the heated oven for 10 to 12 minutes or until risen and golden brown. Remove to a wire rack to cool, uncovered if you want crisp tops, covered loosely if you prefer soft.
  7. To make the cinnamon butter, cream together the butter, clementine zest, cinnamon and brown sugar until thoroughly combined.  Do this while the scones are baking so that it is ready when they come out of the oven.
  8. Spread the cinnamon butter onto the warm scones if desired.
Created using The Recipes Generator

This Clementine & Cinnamon Butter is really nice . . .  you can use any leftovers on your toast tomorrow.  Its quick and really simpl to make and the flavour is beautiful.

How to Brew The Perfect Cup of Tea 

1. Always use high quality loose leaf tea, and store it in an air-tight container at room temperature. Use 1 rounded teaspoon for each cup you intende to serve.

2. Use freshly drawn water - that way it will contain lots of oxygen to give your tea the best flavour. 

3. Put the tea into a warm pot. Add freshly boiled water to the pot, dump it out and then refill with more freshly boiled water.  Add your tea leaves.  Brew for 3 to 4 minutes, then serve. 

See those bubbles on the top of my cup. My mother always called that "money."  She said if you had that in your cup you were going to come into some money.  I like to think that's true.  Mayhap I should buy a lottery ticket . . .

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