Selasa, 18 Desember 2018

Roast Pork Shoulder with Sage & Onion

When I was a much younger woman than what I am now, I had a good friend named Leona.  She is still a good friend, some thirty odd years later!  I love lifetime friends.  They are an extra special blessing.

Leona used to call me a "Good Cooker," but I will have to say that  Leona was no slouch when it came to cooking herself.  She was a beautiful cook, and I still use many of the recipes she shared with me, including the inspiration for the one I am sharing with you today! 

We actually met by accident.  I had just moved to London, Ontario, and was heavily pregnant with my middle son ( who just turned 37) and I decided to go to Bingo at the Mess one Sunday evening, just to get away from the kids for a while I suppose.  I liked Bingo.  I sat at a table and Leona sat next to me, and a lady who also became a good friend sat across from me, named Debbie. It turned out Debbie lived just a few doors down from me, and she said that night (half jokingly I suspect) that if I needed anyone to watch my other children when I went into labour we could call on her.  Little did we know that less than 24 hours later we would be knocking on her door!

Anyways, the three of us became quite good friends, and used to get together to share meals and craft and all sorts.  As luck would have it, we all ended up in New Brunswick as well many years later, so these friendships have been lifelong friendships, which is a real rarity in Military life!

I remember being at Leona's one time and she was cooking what looked like the most beautiful Pork Roast.  It smelled heavenly.  Her secret was a long slow cook in a low oven.  The meat literally fell apart and was so succulent and delicious!

I had never cooked a pork shoulder before, always cooking the loin.  She turned me on to a beautiful cut of meat that is often much less expensive than the loin and a whole lot tastier!

It does take a lot longer to cook however, but that's not really a problem.  Just bang it into the oven and get on with your day.

I like to take my meat out of the refrigerator about half an hour before I am going to cook it.  I also rub it with a mix of seasonings and herbs, which really give the meat an extra special flavour.

It cooks in chicken stock, or should I say oven braised, which gives you plenty of juices to make a delicious gravy to serve with your meal.  Leona also used to add potatoes, carrots and turnips to the roasting pan, which you could certainly do as well.  But you will need a larger roasting tin.  If you do add vegetables, again only fill the roasting tin with stock to come about halfway up the sides of the vegetables and the roast.  You don't really want to submerge them.

Leona never did this, and that is to remove the roast from the juices and return it to the oven to brown up nicely while you make the gravy.  You certainly don't need to do it either. I just happen to like the colour it gives to the meat!

Yield: 4 - 6 with leftovers

Roast Pork Shoulder with Sage & Onion

prep time: 30 minscook time: 2 hour and 30 minstotal time: 2 hours and 60 mins
This works well with a butt as well as the shoulder, yielding juicy and tender, well flavoured meat with a beautiful brown crust.


4 pound boneless pork shoulder or butt, skin removed
and most of the fat trimmed
1  tsp ground black pepper
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp crumbled sage leaves
1 tsp onion powder (not salt)
1 tsp salt
chicken stock as needed


Preheat your oven to 160*C/325*F/ gas mark 3.  Have
your pork roast sitting at room temperature for half an hour at least
before you start.
Mix together the pepper,
garlic powder, sage, onion powder and salt.  Rub this all over your
piece of meat.  Place it into a roasting tin. (you want a roasting tin
just slightly larger than your roast)  Add chicken stock to come 1 inch
up the side of your meat in the roasting tin. (now you know why you
don't want an overly large roasting tin) Place into the heated oven,
uncovered, and roast until the meat is fork tender, about 40 minutes per
 pound of meat.Remove the meat from the broth and set aside to rest. 
Increase the oven temperature to 230*C/425*F/ gas mark 7. 

 a gravy  using the juices in the roasting tin.  Shake some flour (about
 3 TBS) with 120ml of cold water (1/2 cup). Strain into the pan juices,
whisking constantly. Place over moderate heat and bring to the boil,
whisking constantly, until the mixture bubbles and thickens.  Keep warm
over low heat.

Place the pork in a clean pan
and pop back into the oven for about 15 minutes, until nicely golden
brown.  Serve hot with the gravy on the side.

If you are  fan of tender, succulent, deliciously flavourful meat, do give this a go!  I serve it with mash and applesauce, and whatever vegetables happen to be going!  Bon Appetit!

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